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2015 SUFE International Summer Course

Based on the success of the pilot international summer course in 2014, SUFE ran a second international summer course from 13th July to 7th August. In 2015, SUFE opened 31 international summer modules for postgraduates and 16 international summer modules for undergraduates. Altogether, there were 47 courses available for over 800 students with experts and scholars from world-class universities such as the University of Cambridge, Stanford University invited to deliver lectures.

As an important platform for SUFE to carry out international exchanges and cooperation, international summer sessions contribute a lot to internationalizing the curriculum, pedagogical reform and enriching talent development strategies by inviting internationally renowned professors to give lectures.

Copyright:Shanghai University of Finance and Economics  | Address:Section E,Yuheng Building,777 Guoding Road,Shanghai 200433,China
Zip code:200433 | E-mail:ieco@sufe.edu.cn