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[2017 SISS]Eligible Applicants

We welcome SISS applications from undergraduate and postgraduate students currently enrolled at partner institutions- all world-renowned universities with academic linkages to research, student and staff mobility. These linkages reflect SUFE’s global outlook and the strategic plan of undertaking our overriding commitment to high quality and accessible learning opportunities. The partnerships developed through a variety of worldwide and multi-faceted agreements allow students from the partner institutions to embark on a journey by attending fee-waived placements in the best Chinese finance school- comprising of a vibrant community of lively students and outstanding scholars, while earning local credits and being immersed in the culture of one of the world's most exciting cities.
SISS applicants from our partner institutions are exempt from paying tuition, accommodation fees and any miscellaneous fee that may be prescribed by the university. To find out more information on program cost,please refer to:

All other students are more than welcome to apply as free movers who shall expect to pay the program fees. For advice on how to be considered as a free mover, please contact the International Office at sac@sufe.edu.cn.



Copyright:Shanghai University of Finance and Economics  | Address:Section E,Yuheng Building,777 Guoding Road,Shanghai 200433,China
Zip code:200433 | E-mail:ieco@sufe.edu.cn