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Student accommodation

University rooms are great value and are available an short-term or long-term contract basis, with catering and self-catering options.




There are three dormitory buildings available for international students at SUFE: Building No.1 & 8 located at Zhongshan Beiyi Road Campus of SUFE, Building No.7 located at Guoding Road Campus of SUFE. You can choose to live at either Guoding Road Campus or Zhongshan Beiyi Road Campus, depending on the programs you have taken. For more detail about accommodation fee, online reservation please click the Accommodation Guide for International Students.  http://ices.shufe.edu.cn/structure/ywb/information_37200_1.htm

You can get more detailed information by clicking: http://ices.shufe.edu.cn/upload/htmleditor/File/091201102503.pdf

If you want to live in the International Students dormitory, you need to book a room online: http://stu.shufe.edu.cn/

Copyright:Shanghai University of Finance and Economics  | Address:Section E,Yuheng Building,777 Guoding Road,Shanghai 200433,China
Zip code:200433 | E-mail:ieco@sufe.edu.cn